Thursday, May 9, 2013

The spring of Republican's discontent

Whether it is bleeding mannequin Obama lookalikes at the NRA convention, the faux outrage of Congressional Republicans about BENGHAZI, or the election of Mark Sanford by a supposedly family values oriented South Carolina congressional district, the grand old party is in fine fettle this spring.  The breathtaking hypocrisy on display by the Heritage Foundation is another indication of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of one of the country's political parties.  To peddle the old eugenics argument about race and IQ is merely another way to buttress the intolerance which has come to represent face the GOP  presents to its base, a motley collection of racists, angry old white men and a few intellectual conservatives with nowhere else to turn to.  The strategy of cutting government and turning its functions over to the most rapacious players in the private sector is another underpinning of an increasingly out of touch party elite.  When the base realizes their leaders are going to put its hands on medicare and social security and the other popular safety net programs which they utilize more than the general population, the revolt will be immediate.  By mid-century, whites will be a majority-minority in the US, so the continued appeal to racial animosity and division would seem to be counterproductive to the party's long term survival.  We may be watching the disintegration of Abe Lincoln's legacy.

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