Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ethical eating

As the Divine Mrs. M and I struggle with vegetarian menus and the temptations of flesh, it seems that even parts of the plant kingdom are under attack by agribusiness.  GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds are making more and more inroads in American diets.  Just trying to stay informed about what foods contain modified genetic material is becoming harder and harder.  Unlike the European Union, the US has very lax regulation of so called "frankenfoods".  There is no real evidence of nutritional problems with these foods, so far.  However, there has been very little long term studies of the results of eating foods made with genetically modified components.  Of course, livestock has been chowing down on Roundup ready corn and soybeans for years.  Since we stand at the apex of the food chain, we or our meat eating descendants will be the ultimate test for GMO foods.   The ethics of putting profits ahead of people is well documented throughout our history, but the scale and sheer  immorality of this present experiment is staggering.  So far, most vegetables have not been modified, but I think if the economic incentive is there, we will see modifications to resist frost, drought, insects and the other scourges of growers.  What price will the rest of us pay for the profit and convenience these plants may or may not provide.

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