Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Not Frost Proof

Beware the Ides of May, or so it would appear if you have frost sensitive plants outdoors this morning.   It was around 30 degrees in my little corner of the world this morning and unless the plants in question were close enough to a building to be within its heat reflection, there will be some damage, I am thinking.  Anyone who planted tomatoes and peppers last weekend will be unhappy, even if they were protected, they will be set back by the chilly soil temperatures.  In my experience, weather like this will actually set back plants that are outdoors more than waiting an extra week in the cold frame and then transplanting.  The jury will be out on damage to fruit tree blossoms for a few weeks.  I'm sure the local orchardists can tell within a day or two if there is damage, but I will know when the blossoms drop and the actual fruit begins to form.  Or not.  Ironically, we should get some rain showers this afternoon and evening which obviously would have prevented the frost.  That's just one of the frustrations endured by gardeners in northern climates.

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