Thursday, May 2, 2013

Greening on the NCR

The usually dreary drive I endure each day got a little greener today.  The many birch trees between home and the border made the roadside a misty green this morning.  This is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everything is in a hopeful state as the new season's growth gets underway.  In the garden, the second planting of spinach is up.  Asparagus harvest started last evening, and the peas are sprouting.  Weeds are not yet a problem and it looks like the normally wetter areas of the garden are ready to be tilled in preparation for summer crops.  The potato seed is sprouting in the garage and I'm thinking about planting corn this weekend.  If we could only get a little timely rainfall it would be a perfect start.  Of course, as a veteran gardener, I know perfection is only a distant dream.

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