Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scandal du Jour

After 5 years of pursuing every whiff of scandal in one of the most squeaky clean administrations in modern times, the republicans and their media enablers seem to have hit paydirt.  With the revelations concerning the IRS and the Justice dept. subpoenas for calling records of AP reporters there is some real red meat to replace the fauxtrage concerning BENGHAZI.  We can now look forward to months of hypocritical posturing by congresscritters who were untroubled by the same gambits used by the Shrub and his henchmen.  Unfortunately, the forthright statements by the President and his call for bi-partisan support to correct any abuses will probably dull the public's enthusiasm for firebreathing histrionics.  Of course the mouthbreathers who populate the FOX news universe will just look at the new hearings as more proof of the perfidity of democrats in general and the Kenyan Muslim Socialist in particular.  Meanwhile, the rest of us are interested in social justice, the economy and immigration reform, all of which will probably get short shrift during a long hot summer of increasingly shrill hearings which will yield plenty of heat and not much light.

1 comment:

  1. I had to admit I was gasping the other day (in horror? with laughter?) when a Tea Party spokesperson, in one sentence no less, railed against the growth of 'big government' then complained that if the IRS was using 'we didn't have enough people' as an excuse for not getting the rules completely right, should have hired more people. (Grow the IRS!) Was I the only one to see the hilarious irony in that?
