Monday, May 13, 2013

Not so merry

This May is rapidly replacing March as the cruelest month.  Drier than normal from the start here on the NCR it is now also cooler than normal with frost predicted for the next couple of nights.  Of course we are in better shape than the capital district and the Hudson valley where freeze warnings are up for most areas.  The farmer's market opened this past weekend and the shoppers were out looking for early asparagus and spinach as well as tomato and pepper transplants.  I hope most of the bedding plant purchasers hold off planting til next week.   My first plantings of beets and carrots finally germinated after nearly a month in the ground along with the third planting of spinach and the first corn of the season.  If we  survive the next 48 hours and get some rain, things will start heading in the right direction.  As always, there are a lot of "ifs" in this gardening and farming thing.

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