Thursday, May 30, 2013

Warm for the weekend

Things still look pretty saturated here on the NCR, but the next few days promise to be warmer and drier, so I'll be optimistic about the weekend.  If I can keep the weeds at bay and find enough ground that can be worked I'll get the peppers and some more tomatoes in and the squash and cuke transplants.  More lettuce, etc. should go out, and I expect the sweet potato slips in the mail any day now.  It will be an interesting couple of weeks in the garden coming up.  Meanwhile, the silly season is in full swing in our nation's capital.  The not so loyal opposition is mightily stirring the scandal pot with plenty of assistance from FOX and whatever media that didn't learn from the last nothingburgers served up by the Republicans in the 90s.  Good news that Obamacare is actually working in California is being buried on page 20 of newspapers or during commercials on cable.  If Congress was a garden, it would be well fertilized with all the B.S. that is currently being dumped, especially in the House of Representatives.

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