Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping

There are many places in the US I would not choose to live.  Oklahoma is near the top of the list.  Yesterday's tornado was a reaffirmation of that choice.  So much devastation and grief.  I guess the people who have lived many happy years in the town of Moore and nearby Ok city can rationalize the terror and heartbreak of the twister which flattened their cities (one observer likened it to 2 mile wide lawnmower), but I wonder what they think in their private moments.  The requisite stories of people helping people will be highlighted to show how warm and generous the community is.  However, the same people will deny medical care to the poor on a regular basis and elect lunatics like Imhofe and his ilk to our national legislature.   I'm sure the same congressmen who voted against aid for NY and NJ after superstorm Sandy will now be bellying up to the Federal trough and pleading for as much aid as possible.  I hope they get it.

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