Wednesday, May 8, 2013

From the frying pan to the freezer

After several days with temps in the 80s I was starting to think summer was here.  Wrong.   The forecast for Sunday and Monday nights is for upper 20s in the colder spots.  Here on the NCR that could still mean flirting with frost.  Naturally, the fruit trees will come into bloom this weekend thanks to the blast of heat.  It seems climate change includes these wild swings from midsummer type heat to early spring cold snaps right in the middle of spring.  Meanwhile, although the forecast is for showers, the whole area needs a good soaking rain.  The garden is rapidly drying out and I don't feel like dragging hoses around all summer to barely keep plants alive.  I transplanted onions last night and while the soil was in perfect condition, it will only take a week of dry weather to kill or retard most of the young plants.  I can't believe my grandfather once transplanted a two acre field of onions by hand.  He was probably older than I am now, and two acres would kill me.  I guess they don't make them they way they used to.

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