Tuesday, May 7, 2013

asparagus aplenty

It was relatively easy to plant 100 asparagus roots last year.  The soil preparation for a multi-year crop was strenuous, but I had plenty of weedy compost.  With a few favorable showers, the plants established themselves rapidly and the row looked beautiful in August.  Now comes the fun part.  I picked about 5 lbs. from the new planting last night.  Many of the stalks were thin, but there were a fair number of #1s also.  I would guess there will be a three week harvest and then let the plants grow out. The conventional wisdom is to make a light harvest the first year and more in successive years.  My older planting is yielding massive stalks in the 1 inch diameter range.  Three stalks like that are enough for dinner!  I will have to find a way to store the harvest til marketing day, or find more customers. 

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