Wednesday, May 1, 2013


As I write this I am itching to get outside and enjoy the beautiful morning here on the NCR.  A rare day off from the produce wars enables me to fight the battle here at Almena Gardens today.  It looks as though we will have several gorgeous days before the clouds move in again on Monday.  Of course, by then I will be lamenting the lack of water and the need to try and keep many different plantings moist for germination.  I am already getting a bad feeling for the coming summer.  We seem to be in a dry cycle in this area with moisture deficits the past few years.  Although the soil in my gardens is  relatively heavy and holds moisture well, it must be saturated at some  point to do its job and keep water craving vegetables happy.  Usually at this time of year, several areas in the gardens are too saturated to work.  I think by Friday, even the wettest area will be dry enough to bear the weight of the tractor and tiller.  I  hope our little corner of Spaceship Earth is not too  badly affected by the coming climate change, but if drought is the worst of it, we can always adapt to it.

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