Monday, June 3, 2013

Preservation Halls

The weather was a half and half affair this weekend.  A long day of planting on Saturday, followed by storms which sidelined these efforts on Sunday.  I think many of the crops planted before the deluge, specifically potatoes and winter squash are probably goners.  The soil can't dry out between the storms and it may be July before some of those areas are workable again.  I guess I'm fortunate that some areas of the garden drain well and I will continue to plant as much as possible in the days ahead.  The storms did give me the opportunity to attend both concerts given by the Northern Adirondack Vocal Ensemble.  The Divine Mrs. M is an avid singer who brings many years of experience to this group.  She began singing chamber music and madrigals in college and has been a member of many groups in the intervening years.  Looking around at the audiences in Plattsburg and Saranac Lake, I wondered who will be the consumers of this music in a few years.  When I am bringing the average age down, you know there is a problem.  The music is beautiful, but where is the audience?  I don't remember so many greying heads at concerts in years past.

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