Thursday, June 27, 2013

Throw me a rope

Although with the weather being what it is, some growers in this area might use the rope to hang themselves.  As far as the long range predictions stretch, there are chances of rain and thunderstorms.  Whatever the hail is not destroying quickly, the constant rain and humidity is setting the stage for a slow grind toward oblivion.   Arriving home yesterday, I discovered another half inch of rain had fallen.  One small part of the kitchen garden was still workable, so I put in some oversized lettuce transplants, but without much enthusiasm.  To paraphrase Tom Paine, the summer soldiers and sunshine gardeners will not persevere in these conditions.  Even growers with decades of experience are feeling the effects of the steadily declining conditions.  There are a few bright spots in the gardens, such as the winter squash and the lettuces, but they are overshadowed by the many drowned spots and the struggling pepper, cukes and tomatoes.  It is definitely a time to try mens' souls.

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