Monday, June 10, 2013

Drought to flood

In the Midwest, farmers are facing a choice.  For many, it will soon be impossible to plant their remaining idle acres with corn.  The rains don't let up and even planted acres will soon start suffering if drier weather does not soon come to help roots penetrate waterlogged soil.  Although the USDA claims most of the crop is in fair to good condition, that assumes the weather will be normal for the balance of the season.  So far, it has been anything but.  Last year farmers watched as their crop burned up with heat and drought.  The same acres are now like rice paddies.  My own little corner of the ag world is in the latter condition.  I have had to abandon for the moment my heavier soils and concentrate my plantings on the more well drained parts of the garden.  I am hoping to be able to at least cultivate the plantings I made during the dry spring.  That seems like a lifetime ago.  The forecast this week is for continued wet weather.  When I run out of dry places to plant, I guess I'll face the same choices as  the Midwesterners.  It's only June, but I'm already thinking about next year.

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