Friday, June 28, 2013


I refuse to talk about the weather today.  My blood pressure is skyrocketing as I even think about another lost weekend in the garden.    Of course talking or thinking about our broken political system is almost as stressful.  The old saying "you get the government you deserve", seems a little harsh.  Short of mass murder, I don't believe we deserve the clown show Boehner and his merry men are treating us to.  Surely my fellow Murcans did not elect Steve King, Michele Bachman and Louie Gohmert all in the same congress.  But wait, they did.  All I can say is it was a bit of national hysteria over the ACA and the presence of the Kenyan, Muslim, communist, atheist usurper in the White House which caused the collective brain fart which deposited the present crop of idiots in the house and to a lesser extent, the senate.  We as a nation can only hope there is a correction in next year's elections.  I am not too hopeful, since President Obama's presence seems to bring out the festering sore of racism which lies beneath the national psyche.  I can only imagine what sexist assholery will follow the election of President Clinton in 2016.  To quote CSNY  and Joni Mitchell, I've got to get back to the garden.

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