Friday, June 14, 2013

Chickens roosting

They're starting to come home.   Meaning the problems the last 3 weeks of rainy weather are causing the veg crops up and down the east coast.  From tomato problems in the Carolinas to the virtual destruction of the strawberry crop here and in Canada, they run the gamut.  Disease, dead roots insect problems are all there.  Throw in cool temps and it looks like a summer that never gets to the lift off stage.  Sure, we will all struggle and there will be some bright spots in the picture, but overall, the picture looks pretty bleak.  To add insult to the injury, the lousy weather is holding down demand for what crops are available which is causing the market to tank.  On a different note, happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and kudos to all the children and spouses that put up with us.

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