Thursday, June 6, 2013

Another rainy weekend

Looks like a washout weekend again.  Depending on which weather report you listen to we could have anywhere from a half to 2 inches of  rain.  Right now, that's the difference between dolce vita and disaster.  Most of my heavy clay soils can't take the larger amount of rain at this point.  The ledge rock which underlies most of the Champlain valley does not drain easily once the soil above it is saturated.  I tilled some of the heaviest ground last night to plant corn and it was really too wet for the weight of the tractor and tiller.  I made a mess of the one bed and if we get a significant rain it will be July before I'll work that particular area again.  Coupled with high temps in the 50's tomorrow, it is not an auspicious June so far.  Worse yet, with all the rain, even the local golf courses are a mess.

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