Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Republicans and the new diversity

With all the talk about the economy and jobs, the republicans in Congress are laser focused on two priorities;  denying a path to citizenship to brown skinned immigrants and forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.  It would seem that such a mean spirited and wrong headed agenda would be generating little support and perhaps even a backlash.  If you supposed that, you would be right.  Congressional approval ratings are the lowest since measurements began.  The older, whiter voters pushing the social issues are beginning to be overtaken by demographics, but the GOP clings to this base because they have backed themselves into a corner by alienating younger voters, women, gays, and everyone else who is not a white male.  The coming tsunami of color will leave the repubs as a minority party everywhere but the most racist states of the confederacy.  Even Texas will probably be a reliable dem state by 2030.  Of course democrats will not be able to stand the prosperity and will undoubtedly alienate some of the above groups.  Besides, the corporate interests both parties serve will continue to push the political system further away from the average voter. In a Congress where more than 50% of the senators and representatives are millionaires, the policies being advocated are not going to be in the best interests of the 99%.

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