Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Last Gasps

Four angry old white men and one Uncle Tom set back the cause of voting rights in the US, but ironically probably lit a fire which will result in more profound changes occurring sooner than they might otherwise.  By telling southern pols they can attempt to suppress minority votes with impunity, the court has also empowered those minorities with powerful tools to mobilize as never since the original voting rights act was passed.  That, and the changing demographics of the old confederacy will spell doom for last stronghold of the increasingly irrelevant republican party.  According to population experts, Texas and Georgia will relatively soon resemble California with whites a minority majority of the population.  With those cornerstones of the republican south gone the way of blue California, the more racist and white states such as Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina will be electoral cyphers, unable to affect national or even regional trends. 

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