Monday, July 1, 2013

More of the same

Bad weather and republican stupidity. The two are almost synonymous this year.  As the tragic fire in Arizona took the lives of 19 firefighters, the relentless rain in the northeast continues to decimate crops, destroy roads and killed at least one person in NY.  Meanwhile, republicans in Texas have decided they know best what women should do with the health of their bodies once they are pregnant with the patriarchy's offspring, and the guiding lights of North Carolina's legislature seek to punish the unemployed by reducing and/or ending long term benefits even with an unemployment rate of 8.8%.  I guess there will be a rush to apply for those Walmart greeter jobs that have been going begging.  Really, the feckless stupidity represented by these state governing bodies it almost beyond belief.  The fact most people don't pay attention to local governance needs to change, or there will be more manifestations of this kind of cruel homage to Ayn Rand.  Let's hope the weather is kinder than our fellow men.  Although the whole panoply of climate change is tribute to the kind of short sighted, profits first and the environment be damned mind set which leads to the breaking of the social contract.

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