Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hot times

It's all Al Gore's fault.  The hot steamy weather, the forest fires, the western drought.  Let's lay it all at the big guy's door.  After all, if he hadn't come out with all those pesky charts and graphs showing the steady increase of global temperatures with the increasing carbon emissions caused by human beings, this whole climate change thing would definitely not be happening.  The inconvenient truth is our generation is on a collision course with destiny and the aftermath will not be pretty for our descendants.  Even if we abandoned all carbon based fuels cold turkey, which is impossible, we can't reverse the pendulum of climate change quickly enough to head off some devastating consequences.  We will have to deal with the increasingly wild weather for the rest of our lives and that of many generations to come.  The question of us is can we start the process of amelioration, or will we be known as the heedless generation which may have put the future of our species and indeed the entire planet in peril.

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