Monday, July 22, 2013

Deserification and the future

It's hard to think about drought after the early summer floods in this neighborhood, but some in the western states are staring down the barrel of a gun called climate change and are seeing long term drying and the increasing prevalence of triple digit temps.  The author of an article in the NYT this morning outlines some tepid strategies to deal with the coming double whammy of drought and heat, but the plan seems like warmed over (sic) platitudes.  Trying to force cities to compost green waste and distribute it to local farms sounds like a good idea until you ask who will bear the cost.  Increasing soil organic matter in desert soils also sounds like the right thing to do until you realize that in 100 degree temps, soil organic matter vaporizes when the soil is tilled.  I think large areas of the American southwest will be virtually uninhabitable in coming decades and we will have to move large populations to areas less prone to the coming inferno.  That's the kind of strategy we need to implement.

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