Wednesday, July 10, 2013

To rain or not to rain

As the soggy soils finally show some sign of drying, the question becomes how to taper precipitation to match the root systems of whatever remains in the garden.  Most plants have concentrated all their roots in the top couple of inches of soil, so a rapid dry out will hurt them before they can penetrate to moisture.  Of course, if it is a choice between continuing deluges and cold turkey dry out, I would prefer the latter.  After today's showers the forecast is for 5-6 days of dry weather.  That would be anomalous this season, but I will gladly take it.  There is still a lot of gardening left this year, but it will be a different sort than the usual.  Most of the longer season crops which were hurt earlier like corn and potatoes are not viable going forward.  Shorter seasonal crops such as summer squash, fall greens, cucumbers and lettuces will get more space.  Hopefully the customers will use whatever appears at the market this summer and fall.  We'll see....

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