Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The end in sight

Either the rainfall or the garden; take your pick.  The intermediate forecast actually shows several days without the threat of thunderstorms here in the north country.  It's hard to believe when you have been pounded as many times as we have this season.  The weeds are poised to breakout and run away with what is left of the gardens unless heroic efforts are made in the next few weeks.  If we do get the promised respite, there is still quite a lot of gardening yet to be done.  Lettuces, beets, fall greens and short season crops like beans and summer squash can still be planted.  Some short season sweet corn is still a possibility, and of course herbs and other succession plantings are still in order.  If the tomatoes and peppers can make up for lost time there is still a chance to salvage something.  For field corn growers in upstate and Canada, there will be yield losses in many fields.  This is the year to find the poorly drained spots in your fields.  Some fields will be near total loss as fertilizer is washed away.  Veg crops in heavier soils will also show major losses.  Even with disaster declarations there will be little help for most growers.  Welcome to climate change circa 2013.  Let the games begin...

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