Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ups and Downs

According to the weather channel, we could break a record low temp record here on the NCR this evening.  47 Degrees is pretty chilly for July, especially after the brutal heat we have experienced the last couple of weeks.  The roller coaster will continue next week as we get back up to the high 80s.  The planting and weeding continues, and the garden continues to round into something approaching normal for this time of year.  For commercial growers, the season has been nearly as unkind.  Most growers who do this for a living are working with much better drained soils than I am, but even so they are having problems with delayed maturity and low yields.  Muck soil growers have fared better, but even they will experience planting gaps as the season progresses.  Prices vary wildly as glut succeeds scarcity and customers complain of variable quality.  It is a season to try the patience of the hardiest farmer or gardener.

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