Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hot time in the old town

Two days of 90 degree heat and people are already wishing it was October.  The good news is this weather is drying up the ground in a big hurry.  Of course, that is a double edged sword.  It's great to work up some areas that have been waterlogged for 7 weeks, but the limited root systems the vegetables used to adapt to the continuing deluges will suffer unless we get some interim showers.  I transplanted some lettuces to the ultra secret garden.  The soil still feels a little like Play-Doh, but it at least absorbed the water I used after planting.  Unfortunately, there are not enough daylight hours available to catch up with all the tilling, planting and mowing that needs to be done over the next days and weeks.  But, I think I'm giving up on complaining about the weather. It certainly has not done any good so far this season.

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