Friday, July 12, 2013

Trayvon Martin and American racism

I have not followed the George Zimmerman trial with the zeal that some of the media seem to expect of the population as a whole.   The entire affair is a murky mess of conflicting evidence, dueling experts and incendiary coverage.  What almost everyone covering the trial tiptoes around is the obvious racism of Zimmerman and the fact Martin is almost never referred to as the victim.  The "scary black man" trope is the unstated defense for Zimmerman.  The irony is most of his "supporters" would probably cross the street to avoid the brown skinned  defendant.  His only hold on their support is the fact he is less colored than Martin.  I have no doubt if Trayvon was a white youth on his way back from a trip to a convenience store and the confrontation with Zimmerman ended with the youth's death, Fox News would be leading the charge for the death penalty for their erstwhile hero.  Unless and until this nation and indeed any country can get past its fear of "the other", we will be condemned to many replays of this scenario, especially in states which pass "stand your ground" legislation coupled with the right to possess and carry concealed weapons.

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