Friday, July 26, 2013

calling out the inmates in the asylum

A conservative pundit at the American Enterprise Institute is chastising congressional Republicans in no uncertain terms for stalling and sabatoging the implementation of Obamacare.  He says it does not quite rise to the level of treason, but it is ethically and morally bankrupt.  The trouble for the GOP   is the early experience of many with the Affordable Care Act has been very positive and as the provisions of the law continue their rollout, public opinion should turn very much in its favor.  Once people realize this is a very benign law which benefits the overwhelming majority of the population, opinion will turn against those who are trying to deny these benefits.  Most of those people either vote for democrats already or will when they are able.  This demographic tidal wave is poised to sweep the republicans into the same historical trash bin as the Whig party.  Ironically, the party of Lincoln replaced the Whigs as the opposition to the democratic party of Andrew Jackson.  The tea party seems like the likely successor to the republicans, although their poorly thought out program of nihilistic outrage will not resonate with many people under 60. 

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