Monday, July 29, 2013

Physician heal thyself

There has been much made of the recent trend of doctors prescribing fruits and vegetables to obese and nutritionally challenged patients.  That is well, but we need to have a national conversation in tandem with the implementation of the ACA pushing for more consumption of fruits and veggies if the health care reform is going to make a difference in our nation's collective health.  It has been shown that consumption of 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day has benefits.  Unfortunately, most of the population falls woefully short of that goal.  We need to rethink our priorities and the screwed up system of financial incentives which results in a subsidized diet of junk food and increasing cost of healthful vegetables.  Many poorer folks make a quick turn out of the produce department in their local store, if indeed they even have such a store in their neighborhood.  We are rapidly establishing a two tiered system of nutrition which shuts out more and more people from obtaining the ingredients of a healthful diet.  Local farmers' markets are one way to stem this tide, but in large cities, the cost of the farmers' bounty is still way beyond the reach of many, and there is winter to contend with.  There needs to be year round access to fruits and vegetables for all Americans.

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