Monday, April 2, 2012

waiting on the warm

Because of the recent record warm week, and the continued drumbeat of high temps throughout the country, we feel entitled to be in late spring mode.  However, even here on the NCR, it is only the first week of April, and most years, we are waiting for the last stubborn snow patches to melt and the frost to leave the ground.  The soil temp in the gardens ranged from 40 to 44 degrees on Sunday.  That is too chilly for anything but spinach and the overwintering garlic, but it is a harbinger.  I cleaned up the asparagus beds and applied compost and cut the old raspberry canes.   Started some hardier veg, like cabbage, broccoli, early lettuces etc. in the cold frame and made the first cultivation of the garlic.  With warmer weather predicted through Easter, it looks like peas, carrots, beets and more spinach can be planted without praying for a warm rain.  All in all, it looks like an early gardening season is in the cards.

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