Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The reluctant spring

We keep whipsawing between late winter and early summer so far this spring.  From a high of 85 on Monday to a brisk 34 this morning, it has been a week for contrasts.  The blossoms on the fruit trees are ready to break, and frosty weather is predicted for early next week, so there may be a shortage of pears and cherries at casa Monzeglio this summer.  The first asparagus are out of the ground, and my second planting of spring spinach is up, despite the dry weather.  Transplanting broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and lettuces in cold frames for planting outside in May.  Meanwhile, the markets remain depressed for most vegetables and grower returns are minimal.  East coast growers can only hope the doldrums are history by June, otherwise it could be a long summer for marketing of eastern veg.

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