Monday, April 16, 2012

the shorting life

As in wearing shorts for the first time this year.  It is probably a one day deal, as the rest of the week should be more seasonal, with temps in the 50s and 60s.  But today, we will set another record high at around 88.  Of course, there is no global warming.  Meanwhile, I started the tomatoes and eggplant in the basement and transferred the peppers to the outdoor coldframe, or what will be a hotbed today.  The fruit trees I ordered arrived and were planted on Saturday.  Now comes the hard part of keeping them watered all summer.  The nursery recommends 5 gallons per day per plant until Sept.  A daunting task when there is so much else to do.  Meanwhile, I hope the warmer weather stimulates some demand on the east coast.  If even 10% of housewives emulate the divine Mrs. M over the past weekend wholesale prices will skyrocket.  Our fridge is one giant crisper this morning and we are vegetarian wannabes. 

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