Monday, April 23, 2012

In the early morning rain

It's a two cup of coffee morning with temps in the upper 30s and a chilly rain here on the NCR.  I saw a few cars coming out of the mountains covered with snow!  It looks like the rest of the week will be chilly and wet, so outdoor work will slow to a crawl.  I hope the peas and other early plantings don't rot in this unseasonably cool late April.  We got a total of about 1.5 inches of rain over the weekend, and the fields were showing standing water in the usual places.  The soil is dry enough to absorb most of the moisture, but the weather promises more of the same, which means we are regressing to a more normal spring in the north country.  Aside from Casa Monzeglio, I'm guessing most households are not investing in fresh veg, since the markets for all but a very few items are still in the doldrums.

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