Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sprouting hopes

A little water goes a long way to get things going in the spring.  Checking under the row covers last evening, the carrots, beets and fava beans are up and growing.  The peas and parsley are lagging are as the onions, but the temps are still pretty low.  The cold frame transplants are standing still right now, but next week is forecast higher temps, so the broccoli, cabbage, etc. will take off.  It has definitely been an up and down spring so far.  Unfortunately, for the national veg market, things have been down and down.  To say there is no excitement is an understatement.  If only the consumer would break out and start to buy like Mrs M. continues to do in service of the new juicer at home, the markets would be off and running.  Perhaps some chain should offer free juicers with the purchase of $100.00 worth of fresh veg. 

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