Friday, April 27, 2012

New Normal

I am watching snowflakes swirl by the window as I write this.  If it was the end of March, no big deal, but it is almost May and we have been going backward for two weeks.  The weather was dry and warm, now it is wet and cold.  I will probably lose the pear and cherry blossoms and by extension the crop of fruit this evening as temps drop into the 20s with a 30 MPH wind.  It is hard not to be bitter about stuff like this when you know it will be 65-70 degrees next week and we will resume the march into summer.  Of course, it could be worse.  I could be a California grower with hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in a crop of celery which is selling for about half the cost of production.  Imagine the thrill of losing $4000.00 on every load of celery rolling east when you know that two weeks from now when the crop is full of seeders and impossible to harvest the price will skyrocket.  You have to have a strong stomach to be in this business either as a dilettante or a professional. 

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