Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekend of our discontent

The craziness continues.   Temps will range into the upper 60s on the NCR this weekend, with thunderstorms on Sunday.  This is more like mid -May weather than mid-April.  Then, next week will will tail off to more normal temps.  The buds on my pear trees are starting to open and the cherries are not far behind, so the next couple of weeks will be critical for them.  I still am trying to resist the urge to plant, but it's hard!  There is pleny to do to get ready for the gardening, mowing, painting and home repair season, but somehow the siren call of the garden will probably win over more mundane pursuits.   Meanwhile, the veg markets are still stuck in reverse as customers resist higher (read cost of production) pricing.  As one market watcher put it, there will be no opportunity to raise prices until there is not a single box of whatever commodity is on the price floor.  It seems the stupidity which defines our political system has bled into everyday business, and as in the Trayvon Martin case into our interpersonal affairs.  What a world.

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