Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Winds of change

I had to lean into a 30-40 MPH wind to walk the family hound this morning.  It blew out of the west and brought the temps down to more normal levels after the record highs yesterday.  Unfortunately, there was no rainfall with the passing of the front so it remains abnormally dry in the North Country.  There is ample opportunity to get into early fieldwork, and many growers are taking advantage.   We will probably make up the rainfall deficit just as planting time arrives, but at least the fields will be ready when it is dry enough, and as dry as it is they will be able to take plenty of rainfall.  The overwintered spinach is making huge growth right now, so spinach will be on the menu nightly.  Nothing else of note is occuring in the garden with the exception of the garlic plantings which always remind me that winter doesn't last forever.  I can only hope the market for fresh vegetables finally begins to turn around in similar fashion. 

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