Monday, April 30, 2012

Not quite as bad....

As the advance forecasts, but the cold and wind was more reminicent of a late March day than a couple of days before the first of May.  Some growers in Quebec will lose or have severe setbacks in fields of early lettuce transplants.  Early sowings of carrots and onions are almost certainly hurt by the combination of high winds and low 30s temps on Friday night.  The rest of the weekend was better, but still not very late spring-like.  The garlic does't seem to mind the cold, and provides a strong green contrast to the rest of the garden.  The rest of the veg markets are still in a holding pattern, waiting for some stimulus to get prices up.  Celery and broccoli are the weak sisters, with FOB pricing in the low single digits.  We need demand, and so far it is not happening.

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