Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Main Events

It looks like the Republican clown car is down to one occupant as Mittens pulls away from his erstwhile rivals for the presidential nomination.  I have always tried to believe all candidates of both parties want the best for all inhabitants of the country.  However, since the Bush vs. Gore decision in 2000, I have been reassessing this cherished belief.  The Republican party has been hijacked by a narrow slice of the electorate with an eliminationest agenda that combines the worst features of corporate socialism, crony capitalism and a loot the middle class mentality which bodes ill for the vast majority of  my fellow citizens.  This beggar thy neighbor ideology is glossed with a "Christian" patina that the fellow who lends his name to the religion would not recognize as his teachings.  But enough of the soapbox.  The garden is still in slo mo as April winds down.  The grass is greening with last week's rainfall and the first week of May is supposed to be much warmer.  The tomatoes are up and growing in my basement growing chamber and it is time to start the zinnias in the cold frame.  Things will get hectic for the next couple of months.  Gardeners of the world unite....

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