Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wildfires and wishful thinking

The wildfires on L.I. and other northeastern locations are not anomalies.  As a kid growing up on the island in the 50s and 60s, spring fires were an accepted fact of life and every fire department on the east end had at least one "brush truck" or stump jumper to fight fires in the pine barrens.  The common wisdom is we are just having a flashback.  But the difference is spring is now 3 weeks earlier than in the halcyon days of my youth.  So, are we heading into an uncertain future of extremely variable weather and are the present conditions the latest manifestation of climate change, or are we just replaying earlier weather scenarios.  Of course, if you believe the science, the drumbeat of bad weather tends to confirm the theory of climate change, but if you tend to indulge in magical thinking, there is an explantion which discounts the billions of tons of carbon mankind has dumped into the atmosphere and encourages us to do more of the same.  Obviously, God has a plan.  Unfortunately, so does my  golden retreiver.

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