Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Trusting instincts

Although the calender says gardeners and farmers should still be cautious as spring progresses, I have seen evidence that many are going with the weather as it is instead.  Some field work is being done on lighter soils in preparation for spring planting.  The weather has throttled back from the 70s to more seasonal 40s and 50s, but the dry weather is still luring growers outdoors weeks ahead of schedule.  Whether this translates into high prices for early crops is questionable, but as always, hope springs eternal.  Certainly it would be hard to farm in the face of the returns on crops now being sold.  There are few winners out there now, and the longer markets remain low, the more they resist any price rises.  The built in inertia keeps expectations low and resists change.  Luckily for consumers the planting intentions for most growers are set and supplies of most produce items will, barring weather problems, remain steady as the year unfolds.

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