Monday, April 9, 2012

Tis the season

The gardens are starting to look more like what they would normally about 3 weeks from now.  Lots of seed in the ground; peas, beets, carrots, spinach, onions, shallots and even some fava beans.  Now we need an assist from Mother Nature in the form of some showers.  The soil is incredibly dry for this time of year, which is great for planting, but lack of water could become an issue if this stretch of dry, windy, cool weather keeps up.  The main driver for the early activity is certainly the dryness.  Aside from the one very warm week in March, it has not been especially warm here on the NCR.  If  the rain and snowfall had been normal, most of us would still be sitting on the sidelines.  We'll probably make up for it in May when many more planting opportunities will be needed.  Gardening is a lot like life.  It is a series of opportunities which must be prepared for and made the most of.

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