Friday, March 30, 2012

Stop and Go Spring

It was clear and cold this morning, the kind of day ski areas pray for in late March.  Unfortunately, most of the ski areas in the North Country shut down last week due to the unseasonably warm weather we have had for most of the month.  The golf courses however are open, but most golfers will not play with temps in the low 40s, so what is an athlete supposed to do.  Well, the yard and garden await.  The garden can keep waiting, as it would be folly to do anything more than cleanup in anticipation of spring planting.  It is time to start early lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, etc in cold frames, but that won't take too long. The yard will still be muddy and depressing, so maybe indoor pursuits will be the order of the day this weekend.  Either way, it is preferable to obsessing about the dismal state of produce markets across the country.  I would like to say there are some bright spots in the landscape, but I have not seen any, at least among the items I handle on a regular basis.  At least the ski areas can pack it up and wait for next year.  Those of us in the produce business will continue the death march into April.

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