Friday, March 9, 2012

Advice for Republicans

A slander on higher education doesn't seem to resonate with the American electorate.  The war on women's health care is certainly not doing it for them.  I have a suggestion for the co-drivers of the Republican clown car;  let's have a war on vegetables.  This crusade has at least two things going for it.  The vegetables can't fight back, and hating on veg might even appeal to some independents and democrats.  We know the racist, redneck base will be glad to join the war, as soon as someone explains what a vegetable is to them (it's that thing on the plate next to the steak).  But there are quite a few closeted veg haters in the country waiting for validation, so come on Mitt, Rick and Newt.  Let's get after the greens, which by their very color are an elitist pleasure that should be shunned by all right thinking Murcans.  Of course, certain All American creations like freedom fries, and maybe blooming onions in all their deep fat fried glory are exceptions to the rule that vegetables are a Kenyan, Muslim, socialist plot to keep America's digestive tract in turmoil.  Ron Paul can add a libertarian legitmacy to this war by warning of the tyranny of the USDA's food pyramid.  How dare government bureacrats dictate the American diet.  If you want to live on Pepsi and burgers, so be it.  What do you think, Republicans, or do you...

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