Friday, March 2, 2012

like a scrawny lion

was the beginning of March.  The winter storm turned into a couple of slushy inches here on the NCR.   We can only hope the month goes out as a chubby lamb.  Meanwhile, the skiing should be good for weekend warriors, even with a little rain predicted for Sat. morning.  Of course, other areas of the country are not faring nearly so well.  Tornadoes are in the offing throughout the midwest, and several communities have already had devastating visitations.  I have a feeling these outbreaks will become more frequent as climate change continues.  People will become inured to the constant barrage of photos of survivors combing the wreckage of their towns looking for personal effects.   The sci-fi author, Roger Zelazny wrote about an apocolyptic future America in which the heartland has been reduced to a howling no-man's land where gigantic storms have decimated the population and mutated people and animals fight for scraps, while the east and west coasts remain fairly normal.  It seemed pretty fantastic 40 years ago, but now...

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