Monday, March 19, 2012

springtime, or is it summer

Aside from a few snowy patches and a couple of holes with damaged greens, the local golf course was open and some of us got slightly sunburned playing on March 18.  The temperature reached 72 on the course, but as I drove back to Casa Monzeglio, the car thermometer dropped to 66 as I got nearer to Lake Champlain which moderated the air.  I think the water is still in the low 40s, so we will be seeing some foggy mornings as the record high temps persist through the week.  I planted spinach in the p.m. and we got a light shower overnight, so the gardening season is underway.  I can't remember an earlier start, even on Long Island.  The weather is beyond amazing, but I'm sure the American Enterprise Institute will tell us the next ice age is just around the corner and the media is just underreporting the evidence.  Pesky facts, they seem to show such a liberal bias.

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