Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The numbers game

Beyond This Horizon is the Heinlein novel I was channeling yesterday.  A mean and humbling vision of humanity which probably sounded like an interesting place to a teenage boy in the 60s, but not so much to a man in his 60s in the teens.  Speaking of numbers, today is 3/6/12, so something is bound to happen.  Hopefully the markets will wake up today.  Tuesday is traditionally the day to start loading for weekend delivery to eastern markets.  If there is any kind of demand, I look for increasing prices.  The CV is this thing won't change until the deals shift from the desert to Huron and Salinas, but the same thought process led shippers to plant way too many acres after the run up in prices last winter, so who is to say the oracles are right about this either.  The Republicans may have some clarity regarding their nominee after the numbers are in today, but I think a majority will be looking with distaste at Mittens as he begins to put some distance between himself and the rest of the clown car.  Numbers are also relevant to chief Republican entertainer Rush Limbaugh.  It seems 13 of his advertisers have bailed on his daily hatefest.  Even the stations which carry his misogynist spiel are starting to cancel, especially if their rating numbers are low.  Perhaps this marks a turning point in our national dialogue.

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