Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Long range planning

Be careful what you wish for, as you may get more than you bargained.  We had virtually no winter, and now it looks like no spring either.  The long range forecast for the next two weeks predicts most daytime temps in record territory and only a brief flirtation with freezing on a couple of nights.  These are mid to late May regimes.  Most farmers will be hard pressed to keep out of rapidly warming fields, since April could revert to a more normal scenario and sprouting crops could be nipped in the bud.  But what if this warm weather continues?  Several extra weeks of growing weather could enhance farmer's incomes, but will also add extra expenses.  Overwintered pests could cause larger than normal problems this year.  Late frosts could be more problematic than ever this year.  There will be many decisions made early this year which will have outsize implications for this and following seasons.  I wonder if years from now we will look back at this spring as the start of a totally new era for gardeners and farmers here and througout the lower 48.  Meanwhile, Europe and Russia are having one of the worst winters in decades.  What does it all mean?

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