Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is Sprung

Like one of the exploding watches in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.  Upper 70s and low 80s for the next few days will have everyone twitter pated.  The muck soils are thawing rapidly and should be workable next week.  The heavier clay soils of the Champlain valley remain wet, but with no rain predicted and above normal temps for the next 10 days, even soils that normally aren't workable until May will have farmers dreaming of corn and soybeans.  I daresay the secret garden at home will be dry this weekend.  The arrival of the asparagus roots I ordered will probably dictate what activity occurs at home on Sat./Sun.  Fruit trees should also be arriving and will be a lot easier to plant than some years, when the excavated holes filled with water as fast as I could scoop it out, all in near freezing weather.  Even the wettest local golf course was hosting diehard golfers, although most of the sand traps were playing as water hazards.  Of course, the TV meteorologists play up the fantastic weather without analyzing the origins.  I guess the folks who are paying salaries don't want to get the public too worked up about the implications of the current heat wave.  Meanwhile, tornado alley continues to make the news and crazy weather becomes the norm.  Happy Spring.

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