Friday, March 23, 2012

Back to the new normal

It looks as though we might actually dip below freezing during the early part of next week.  I have been getting used to lows that are higher than our average highs during the past week, so it will be a shock to the system if the nighttime lows reach their normal 20-30 degree range.  But by the end of next week we should be back to the above normal regime we have gotten used to.  The garlic is up, and the spinach I planted last weekend is waiting for a shower to sprout.  The regular garden thanks to 10 years of compost is fully tillable.  The secret garden behind the barn is rapidly drying out and even the ultra secret garden, which contains the heaviest soil I have yet worked is drier than at any time I can remember.  The natives all claim we will pay for this early spring, but I feel more optimistic.  As with any farmer, as I stand on the threshold of a new growing season, all I can see is beautiful weather, timely rainfall and perfect crops.  However, I know this forecast will probably run smack into reality in the next month or so.  Til then it's all good.

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